Directions from Hiroshima@@@@@@@@

This is the way to come from Hiroshima

On Rt. 2 from Hiroshima to Otake.
Go past YouMe Town.
You will keep going on Rt. 2 until you come to a  Ramen Shop  (Kouryu)  on your left hand  side of Rt. 2. On your right is a Lawsonfs Store  just  before a stoplight. At the stop light you turn right to go over the Midori Bridge.

Go straight over the bridge.

Go through 2 stoplights.

At the 3rd stoplight turn left.
It is right before the tunnel.

Go straight until you see the 7-11 Store on your left. On your right you will see a Marukyu Store.
You will have just passed a school on your right.

Turn left at the 7-11 and go straight until you see a small ATM Machine on your right.

Immediately after this ATM  on your right will be a  gravel road that leads into a large parking lot. 
Turn right and park your car.

Park anywhere you can find a place. 
The black paved road close to a building.

This building is the  Yamatobashi Clinic.